Faith Mennonite Church
Welcomee gather online and in-person for worship every Sunday at 9:30am. Please join us in-person at our South Minneapolis church or via Zoom.
Join us for a potluck every third Sunday this summer.
2720 E 22nd St., Minneapolis, MN 55406
March 16, 2025: The Bethel College (North Newton, KS) Concert Choir will join us for worship as part of their spring choir tour entitled “Sing You Home,” under the leadership of Dr. Henry Waters.
An FMC Community potluck will follow the worship service
All are welcome
We are a Christ-centered community that seeks to be a place of welcome and nurture for all.
Our lives are guided by the life of Jesus and the historic peace position of the Mennonite Church. Our members are people from varied religious backgrounds and diverse cultures, gay and straight, young and old.
We invite you to join us in being a sign of God’s healing and hope in our community and world. We are committed to respect and peacefulness in our relationships. We have this expectation of all who gather here.
What to expect
We welcome you to join us for worship, the heart of our life together at Faith Mennonite Church.
We worship online and in-person. You are welcome to join us Sundays at 9:30am here at church or via Zoom!
The service usually ends at 10:40 a.m., followed by a fellowship time. Email to receive emails with the Zoom connection info each Saturday morning, or you can click on the “Worship Online This Sunday” button above.
Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly with God.
Come, walk with us.
Loving our Neighbors
Service & Justice at
Faith Mennonite Church
Environmental Justice
We care for creation and all of Earth’s inhabitants, and we strengthen our connections to them.
Welcoming Refugees
We believe in supporting our immigrant neighbors, and currently sponsor and support two refugee families.
Serving in Seward
We seek ways to promote peace and justice and to strengthen our relationship with our Seward neighborhood.
We support service and justice work across our Mennonite and Anabaptist connections, locally and around the world.
Give to the Church
In this time when not all are able to gather together for worship, please consider using this online tool to tithe. Designate your offering as “Tithe.”