You are welcome
Learning together how to follow Jesus
From September to May, every Sunday at 11 a.m., Faith Mennonite Church offers Christian Education classes for all ages. This is an opportunity for members of the congregation to share their gifts and explore their interests while we grow and learn together. Below, find info on our nursery and classes for children, youth, and adults.
Ages 0-5
The nursery at Faith Mennonite Churchserves families with children from infancy (able to sit independently) through age 5. During the worship service, the nursery is staffed by a paid nursery coordinator and two church volunteers each week. Parents may take children to the nursery before the worship service begins, or they may keep the children with them for the opening portion of the service which includes a children’s time.
Children can engage in a variety of activities during free-play time. We have an optional weekly craft, as well as a variety of puzzles, blocks, and toys. We usually have a story time as well.
If you are concerned with separation anxiety or other issues, please feel free to talk to the nursery coordinator. We strive to make the nursery a safe, nurturing and peaceful place. We welcome you and your children to join us. View Nursery Guidelines.
Preschool to fifth grades
Between September and May, we offer Sunday School classes for preschool, kindergarten–second grades, third–fifth grades, middle school, and high school (see Youth info below).
Each class is taught by two volunteer teachers using the Shine: Living in God’s Light curriculum from MennoMedia. Parents should make sure that children have used the bathroom and are in their classrooms by 11 a.m.

Middle and High School
We offer Sunday School classes for both middle school and high school teens, taught by two volunteer teachers between September and May. The middle school class uses the Shine: Living in God’s Light curriculum from MennoMedia. The high school class studies the book Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective.
The Faith Mennonite youth group also meets on a weekday evening for activities. Contact the church office for more information or to get involved.

Adult Class
Adult Christian education classes are conducted during the school year, September to May. Everyone is welcome!
Generally the adult class studies books that help us grow our faith and learn about social justice issues. You are welcome to join the class any Sunday, whether you have read the chapter or not.