how we live out our faith
Service & Justice
At Faith Mennonite Church, we seek ways to promote peace and justice in our relationships, in our neighborhoods, and in the world. Our focus is on supporting service, activist, social justice, and crisis response organizations that are addressing needs in our community. We also support service and justice work across our Mennonite and Anabaptist connections.

We practice
Immigration Justice and Migrant Support
We believe in supporting our immigrant neighbors. In recent years, we have sponsored and supported two families seeking asylum from violence they faced in Honduras and Mexico. Both families have now settled in and on their way to becoming financially stable.
Our church also supports Pueblos de Lucha y Esperanza, a Minnesota faith-based organization that organizes peoples in struggle to build leadership and collective power to change the structures and policies that oppress migrant peoples.
We Practice
Environmental Justice
Recognizing that we live, work, and worship on stolen Dakota land, the Eco-Justice Committee of Faith Mennonite Church encourages and leads activities, learning, and worship that prioritize caring for the earth and its inhabitants. We seek to integrate creation care into all elements of our congregational worship, community, and mission. From starting a fellowship time composting program to bird watching together to leading worship activities and adult education, we find that care for and connection to the environment is always relevant to our spiritual path. Seeking to be joyful stewards of our local environments, we invite all to join us.
We support
Local Partners
Community Emergency Service seeks to support individuals and families in times of crisis. We support this organization and refer community members in need to them for support. They provide support for funerals, utilities, bus money, food, clothing, and referral service.
Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute sponsors Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience-The STAR Training, Restorative Justice 101, and Positive Productive Alternatives to Revenge. These trainings promote healing, revitalize communities, identify and break cycles of victimhood and violence, and build resilience. Faith Mennonite provides financial support for Peacebuilding’s trainings.
Pueblos de Lucha y Esperanza is a Minnesota faith-based organization that organizes peoples in struggle to build leadership and collective power to change the structures and policies that oppress migrant peoples.
Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice was created by residents in the Seward and Longfellow neighborhoods to build community by providing the opportunity to repair harm by involving the victim, offender, and community in solutions that promote healing, accountability, and reconciliation.
Soup for You! is a radical space where all are invited and welcomed. They serve a healthy and sustainable chef-cooked lunch five days a week on a pay-what-you-are-able basis in the Seward neighborhood.
Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light works in partnership with faith and spiritual communities to build transformative power and bring the lights of people’s unique gifts to addressing the climate crisis.
We Support
National and Global Partners
Brethren Mennonite Council on LGBT Interests cultivates an inclusive church and society and cares for the Mennonite and Brethren lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied community. Faith Mennonite provides financial support for BMC, and has been a member of BMC’s Supportive Congregations Network since 2006.
Central Plains Mennonite Conference is a vibrant area conference of Mennonite Church USA made up of 46 diverse congregations spanning eight states.
Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) offers an organized, nonviolent alternative to war and other forms of lethal inter-group conflict. CPT seeks to enlist the whole church in conscientious objection to war, and in the development of nonviolent institutions, skills and training for intervention in conflict situations.
Mennonite Central Committee is the international relief, development, and peacemaking organization of the Mennonite Churches of North America.
Mennonite Church USA is an Anabaptist, Christian denomination with roots in the Radical Reformation of 16th-century Europe. It is the largest Mennonite denomination in the United States with 16 conferences, approximately 530 congregations and 62,000 members.
Mennonite Disaster Service responds to natural disasters in the United States and Canada.