Vision and Priorities


FMC 50th Anniversary Quilt

Our vision for Faith Mennonite Church
and priorities that shape the church’s ministry:

  • We are a community that takes our faith in Jesus seriously.
  • We seek to work out our faith together, allowing space for questioning and being honest about our doubts.
  • We recognize that this requires creative ways of connecting outside of Sunday morning, though we struggled to make that space in our busy lives.
  • We seek to listen to one another, to build authentic, intimate relationships where we feel safe and develop a deep sense of belonging.
  • We value community. We want to be vulnerable enough to ask for help and to show our care for each other in practical ways in times of crisis and of joy.
  • We desire to build deep relationships, to learn the skills for developing trust and compassion, dealing with differences and resolving conflict.
  • We seek ways to promote peace and justice in our relationships, in our neighborhoods and in the world.
  • We desire spiritual growth. We want to be in a community that challenges us to a deeper commitment to following Jesus Christ.
  • We seek to explore, find and demonstrate alternative ways of living in the world that are less driven by the cultural values of the dominant society.
  • We value mentorship and wisdom among generations, so that children and young people are nurtured in faith and inspired to orient their lives around Christ.
  • We aspire to welcome all people to our fellowship and shared worship.

February 2015