Photos 2011

50th Anniversary ServiceSept 23-25, 2011: FMC Jubilee Celebration 

By all measures Faith’s 50th Anniversary Celebration was a success.  More than 200 current and former members and attendees participated in our 48-hour event.   The weather was great, the  music stimulating, the food exceptional, and the Sunday sermon inspiring.  Folks lingered over the Sunday noon luncheon tables to continue conversations with “old friends.”  But all good things must come to an end.

The good news is that Faith is still observing this important anniversary. The banner on the 22nd Street side of the church continues to welcome all.  Inside the sanctuary, the bulletin covers and the anniversary quilt remind us we are a “tree planted by water.”  We continue to sing our hymns composed specially for our anniversary by Bret Hesla.  Our History Moments (see below) remind us of bold steps our congregation has taken in establishing a witness in the Twin Cities.  All of 2011 is our Anniversary Year, not just one weekend.

The Anniversary Committee wishes to thank all who helped with the homecoming weekend.  Nearly 100 volunteers made it all possible, showing that an important part of celebrating is working together.

Anniversary Committee

Anniversary Committee: Joan Kreider, Adam Nafziger, Sandra Westby

Joan Kreider’s History Moments:
Gifts of the Charter Members
Finding a Geographical Home
Jubilee Shop: Another Leap of Faith
St. Paul Fellowship: Phoenix from the Ashes
Consensus Process and Honeywell Protest
Becoming a Welcoming Congregation


Former pastor Myron Schrag preaching.


Men ‘o Faith


Former pastors Kay Welsch, Patrick Preheim, Patty Friesen, and John Esau.


50th Anniversary Banquet with multicultural foods.


50th Anniversary Quilt

Other 2011 Events

Christmas 2011

Dec. 2011: Christmas program

Art Crawl 2011

Dec. 2-3, 2011: Seward Art Crawl — Faith’s sanctuary was temporarily converted into an art gallery for the Seward Neighborhood Art Crawl. Several members of Faith displayed their visual art or performed music for the event.

Art Crawl 2011 Narthex

Art Crawl–tables set up in the narthex.


April 3, 2011: Members of Faith Mennonite participated in the vigil and action against detentions of undocumented persons in St. Paul. Faith church was one of several local churches represented in this interfaith action at the St. Paul detention center.

Mennonite Worker Fundraiser

February 2011: Fundraiser at FMC for the Mennonite Worker.

Immigrants Among Us

January 2010: FMC sponsors a four-part series, “Immigrants Among Us.” Here, Francisco Segovia, director of Waite House, addresses the issue of why people leave their homes to come North. Below is a link to the flier outlining the series.

Immigrants Among Us flier (pdf)